While the rest of the family gathered downstairs to have some breakfast and coffee, Evan started to look for something, but who's cabinet is he looking it for?

Evan livahti huoneeseen salaa ja penkoo nyt Mummin taikakaappia tarkoituksenaan ilmeisesti löytää jotakin.. johonkin tarkoitukseen.
Evan sneaked into Granny's room without a permit and is now going through her magic-cabinet like in tend to find something.. for some purpose.

Vihdoinkin. Alakaapista löytyi tarvitava. Evan poistuu ja hakee vielä vadin patiolta.. onpa hän salaperäinen..
Finally he finds what he was looking for and leaves the room. In his way back he stops at the patio to get a bowl.. he's acting quite mysteriously..

Ehkä syykin selviää?
Maybe we'll find out later what he's up to?
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