Oikein isot kiitokset kaikille lukijoilleni, jotka olette jaksaneet seurata The Lupescu Familyn kehitysvaiheita tähän asti. Näkemisiin :)

All fun always comes to an end, and so it is time for me to bag this blog up. Blogging has been a bit slow lately, and like I've said on my first posts here, the Lupescus cardboard-boxhause has only been a temporarely solution. I'm not gonna delete this blog or anything, I'll leave it in for everyone to see, but I'm not necessary here all the time. All though, I'll continue dollhouse-bloggin at Blogger by the name of Lupescu, so you'll find me again, no worries ;)
Great big thanks to all my readers, who have been following the developments of The Lupescu Family so far. Goodbye and see you later :)