maanantai 22. kesäkuuta 2009

Kuinkas Juhannus?-How about Midsummer?

Hei vaan taas. Näin jälleen yhdestä Juhannuksesta selvittiin, myös Lupescun perheessä.
Pertti aikoo todennäköisesti nukkua koko päivän:

Hello again. So we survived the Summer Solstice, and so did the Lupescu family.
Apparently Pertti is sleeping his day away:

Hyss.. -Älä herätä uinuvaa ihmissutta, sanoo kansanviisaus ;)

Shh.. -Do not wake up the sleeping werewolf, tolds the old, wise phrase ;)

Aurinko paistaa ikkunan läpi, muttei häiritse Perttiä. Juhannus oli hieno, liekö mummi taikonut sadetta naapurien kiusaksi? Pesukatos tuli siis tarpeeseen, tunnelmallista.
Juhannusheilaton Evan vaelteli mittumaariyön hautausmaalla mietteisiinsä vaipuneena, ja ilmeisesti teatteriklassikoiden lumoamana.

Sun is shining through the window, but it doesn't disturb Pertti. Midsummer througly was beautiful, who knows, maybe granny made the rain appear, just to bug naighbours? So, the shed was a good thing to have and it was cozy.
Evan, who didn't have any Midsummer-sweetheart this year, wandered around the cemetery at night, probably enchanted by some old theather master-pieces.

"To be or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep.."

Vera puolestaan teki juhannustaikoja:

Vera was making some Midsummer-magic:

-Poimi keskiyöllä yhdeksän eri kukkaa tyynyn alle, niin unessa näet tulevan sulhasesi kuvajaisen.

-At midnight, pick nine different kinda flowers under your pillow, and your future sweetheart will appear to you in a dream.

Näkikö Vera unta mahdollisesta sulhasesta, sitä en tiedä. Ovathan ne yksityisasioita ;)

Did Vera actually dream about her future sweetheart or not, I don't know. After all, that's some private matter ;)

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