I better start the 3rd floor introduction from the little terrace-garden:
Korpit tehty cernit-massasta ja virvontahöyhenistä, kasvit muovikasvien osista. Ruusut kannussa (näkyypäs tosi hyvin) valmiita askartelukaupan kukkasia. Ruukut valmiina ostettu.
Ravens made of Cernit polymere-clay and some feathers. Plants made of parts of a larger plastic plants. Roses in a jug (gee, they're well-shown) are bought from a craft-store as well as the flower-pots.
Astiat askartelukaupasta, cargoyle saatu lahjaksi. Hyllykkö HobbyPointista. Tomaattikasvi ja kalla cernit-massaa ja muovikasvinosia.
The dishes from a craft-store, that cargoyle was a present. Shelves from HobbyPoint. The tomato-plant and the calla lilies made of Cernit polymere-clay and parts of some plastic-plant.
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